Saturday, April 07, 2007


I just had this idea for a record.. I don't think it sucks, either.

I think everyone is an expert. I mean, eveyrone has mastered at least ONE THING. It could be something seemingly trivial like clipping their nails. Or dark like burrying a body... Or funny like how to tell this one joke... Or technical like how to replace disc brakes on a 1985 Ford Taurus... You get the idea... but the more oblique, the better, I say.

Anyway, the idea is that I would solicit feedback from as many experts as possible... from YOU. I'd ask you 10 simple questions about your area of expertise:

1. What is your area of expertise?
2. How did you become an expert? What was your training? What are your credentials?
3. Is this something you sought out, or did it seek you out?
4. How public is this expertise of yours? Do you hide it? Are you proud of it?
5. Do people understand the true value of your expertise?
6. Do you use your expertise for evil or for good?
7. When is the last time you used your expertise?
8. Do you charge for your expertise? If you did, what would you charge?
9. What is the most misunderstood thing about your area of expertise?
10. Can people contact you if they need your expertise? If so, how?

I am pretty sure that I'd find this stuff totally fascinating and inspiring. Songs would come. Songs for a record.

Go ahead. Think about it. Answer the questions...

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