Friday, March 21, 2008


I don't know what to call this one...


You're out there
Moving through your lists.
Traversing the terrain of your day.
Accomplishing things.

I suppose I'm doing the same
Here, at this desk, faithful to my work.
But honestly, my ferrous thoughts fly
Always to you, your magnetic heart.

I wonder if you feel
These thin cables shooting to you --
Spidery filaments of intention and love
Gently looping your hands, your face?

Later tonight
I will use them to pull you toward me,
Guide you to this incomplete house.
Back home to me.


Summer Nicklasson said...


nice poem.

Anonymous said...

In poetry, the good thing is, there doesn't have to be a name. Not a requirement like in stories. If you really want one, find something to describe the actual context of this poem - long lost friend, love interest, someone you know of or don't. i suppose it just depends who the poem is for and there you will find the answer....

Pretty subject. Exactly what we all want to hear.

Anonymous said...

Magnetic Heart.