Wednesday, April 15, 2009


THINGS I LIKE TODAY: long walks off short piers, large print book clubs, unintended double entendres, writing my dreams down, starting things, silent H's, romantic strolls through auto junkyards, big ideas, elaborate solutions for nonexistent problems, not shaving, over-using the ellipsis...

THINGS I DISLIKE TODAY: my ceaseless inner dialogue, words that aren't words such as 'irregardless', my bum left ankle, wind-blown sand in my eye.

AND NOW, A STORY: When I was a little kid, I always wore a six shooter on my hip, in a holster. I was watchin' out for the neighborhood. I meant no harm... misunderstood sheriff. I wore the gun well past the point that it was cute. Some call that obsession. I call that commitment.

1 comment:

Jennifer Newell said...

I'll drink to that!