Monday, April 23, 2007

this morning's robitussin-fueled dream

i dreamt that i got invited to play rhythm guitar with the rolling stones at a HUGE concert they were playing somewhere. I was filling in for ronnie. at the gig, i was guided through a maze of hallways and backstage people. they put a white telecaster in my hands and i stepped out on stage with the rest of the band. they broke into the first song, i forget which one, but it was a stones classic that i knew. i felt zero fear or panic. i was walking around stage, doing my own little moves ya know, with keith and mick. it was all very casual you see. we finished the first song and it felt really good to hear something like 200,000 people scream and clap. then charlie started counting in the second song -- which i completely did not know. so i walked over to the keyboard player and asked him what key it was in... i figured, "this is the rolling stones for god's sake. how hard can these songs be?" i followed along and even took a solo or two.

then i woke up and took more antibiotics and cough syrup.

1 comment:

jeslauren said...

Hit it bigtime John Common.

but get well first.