Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mediating the interior and the exterior.

I've been thinking a lot about how art, any art, is a BYPRODUCT of the artist's process. (I know, Duh) And... how the process IS THE POINT.

And how a piece of art is actually, to be more specific, the byproduct of an artist trying to negotiate or mediate the discrepancies between his/her INTERNAL WORLD and his/her EXTERNAL WORLD.

And when you hear or see a piece of art, you're seeing an artist's conscious and/or unconscious attempt at trying to make those two worlds reconcile... or make sense... or meet....

And how some artists use their art to make their external world match their interior world... almost an imposition... or an attempt at re-casting their external environment.

And how other artists do the opposite...

And how I tend to like art made by the former and not the latter...

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