Saturday, July 05, 2008

Love's A Shark

My good friend just got her heart utterly broken... She came over this morning and told me the whole story of how it all went down. She was a wreck. I tried my best to make her feel better... to let her know that she and everything else was going to be okay. As she was leaving, she said she felt better. But she was just being nice, I think.

I decided not to go out tonight... I was just sitting around, bored. And then I wrote this song. Evidently, I was thinking about her and her story and how love generally wrecks us. Usually in the best of ways...

Hope you like it. It's kinda weird. I wrote it and immediately recorded it with my shitty laptop microphone:

love's a shark
july 5, 2008

love is stalking you
it's parked at the end of your block

when you walk away from love

it loves the way you walk

love is following you

it can swim faster than your car

you're getting drunk next to love, babe

it followed you in this bar

love is creepy

love is dark

love is scary

'cause love's a shark

it's gonna eat you, take you to the bottom

of a deep dark hole

but it's the thing you need

you know you want to bleed

baby, love's a shark

baby, love's a shark

love can swim through bedroom walls

it knows when you cry

you can curse and you can kick it

but you still can't make love die

love didn’t crown you lonely

you did that on your own

but it'll be there waiting

when you come down off your throne

love is creepy

love is dark

love is scary

'cause love's a shark

it's gonna eat you, take you to the bottom

of a deep dark hole

but it's the thing you need

you know you want to bleed

baby, love's a shark

baby, baby

baby, baby

baby, love's a shark

1 comment:

Margaret Shugart said...

so nice to hear one of your new songs again

i like the shitty microphone- nothing glossy about it and all the raw emotion comes through- one of your greatest qualities as an artist. lyrics and the simple guitar are lovely too.