Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back in the (swim, bike & run) Saddle.

Well now...

I started back with triathlon training this week.

Holy shit.

I'd forgotten how big the difference between a normal workout schedule (well, my normal one) and a TRI workout schedule is... I spent the last 4 months doing 2-3 runs a week, 1-2 bikes a week and 1-2 swims a week. As of this week, I'm doing... hell, 2 workouts a day (swim, bike, run, weights or core) with Sundays off. It's not as bad as it sounds though... It's only about 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day. Even your dentist tells you to work out 30 minutes a day. So yeh... Where was I?

I can tell something has radically changed in my schedule. By 9:00PM I'm a zombie. Which is funny... because I'm not exactly a crazy party guy to begin with. I've gone from nerd to uber-nerd.

Gimme a protein milkshake dude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One shake comin' up!