Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The best part of growing a beard...

By far, the BEST part of growing a beard is getting to shave it off.




Note the huge zeeb on my right forehead...
This is the starting point: "Full Beard In Bed With Zit".
Also known as "The Myspace Pillow Shot".

Now Let The Cutting Begin! It's A Beard Harvest!


I call this one "Gay Civil War Era Train Engineer".
Excuse me, do you like Mutton?

So thoughtful...
"Where DO these train tracks lead anyhow?"
A coal-powered bathhouse, perhaps?

This is just straight up "Serial Killer"...

Off With the Chops! Perhaps the "Ugliest Kissey Face Possible".
Note the single eye being closed.
Does it say "I'm Quirky" or "Permanent Brain Injury"?

I dunno... The Handlebars...
They DO offer something to hold on to... visually, I mean.

Look Ma! No handlebars!
I call this one: "Scott Common Circa 1983"
Or... "The Carpet Installer"

Again, why do serial killers love mustaches so...?
"It puts the lotion in the basket, or it gets the hose again!!!!!"
And yet... It also has a certain "Porthos of The Three Musketeers" quality...

Alas, no beard escapade could ever be complete without a brief stop in Nazi Germany...
For the record, this is named a "Toothbrush Mustache".
Dammit! Hitler ruins EVERYTHING!

And finally we return, full circle, to where we once began...
But wiser somehow...
To that most subtle of facial hair statements: "The Soul Patch".
Otherwise known as "I'm White But At Least My Lower Lip Can Have Soul"

I hope you enjoyed this trip through the Facial Hair Forest as much as I did. Somehow though, I don't think that's possible.


Enough of that.



Unknown said...


Summer Nicklasson said...

Oh. My. God.

Anonymous said...

You are beyond any and all hope!

jeslauren said...

THAT was disturbing.

John Common said...

I know!!!! It's horrid, isn't it???

Margaret Shugart said...

great hat!

I am so jealous of you guys for being able to do this. I wish it were cool to shave designs in our leg hair- like shave everything, but leave the knees fuzzy, or shave hearts on the calves, or leave furry anklets. Something tells me it wouldn't be considered as attractive though...

Anonymous said...

Great idea
I can see it now
A whole new trend.......and you started it
What a gal!

Anonymous said...

this post makes my stomach feel funny...

Jennifer Newell said...

Bahahahaha that has to be one of the best posts you've ever done. Sad to see the beard go, but it's oh-so-worth the various styles you can create in getting rid of it.