Thursday, October 16, 2008

Me on a cleanse/fast: Day 1 | 1:25PM

So far so good.

This cayenne is really... hot. I can honestly say I've never drunk this much lemon juice, cayenne, water and maple syrup before. And I have a lot left to drink before the end of the day.

I feel a little stoned. But honestly, I felt a little stoned last night BEFORE the cleanse. Maybe it was all that pot I smoked. Kidding. So maybe I'm just coming down with something... or maybe I'm just naturally stoned. Yah brah.

On a normal day, I would have had a pot of coffee, a bowl of cereal (breakfast), a big ass sandwich of some kind (lunch), several cigarettes, and probably some fruit by now. It actually feels kind of nice to be giving the whole eating thing a rest.

I'm sure I'll be writing something entirely different in five or six hours. I have band rehearsal tonight. I wonder how grouchy I'll be...


Me on a cleanse/fast: Day 1

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