Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The best workout I've had in a long time (17 days to be exact)

I called my doctor today to ask him again about working out... I'm already going crazy and it's only been two weeks. I know this might seem pretty obsessive to you... but after working out as much as I did to train for my triathlon, I think my brain chemistry got used to regular endorphin washings...

JOHN: "Can I bike?"
DOC: "Yes. But don't put any weight on your hand."

JOHN: "Can I swim?"
DOC: "No."

JOHN: "Can I do core workouts?"
DOC: "Sure. If they don't use your hand."

JOHN:"Can I lift weights?"
DOC: "What are you... an idiot? NO."

JOHN: "Can I run?"
DOC: "Yes. But if you trip and fall, you're going back to surgery, and it will be very, very bad. Don't trip and fall."

I couldn't believe it... I can run! Woo hoo! I immediately went out and ran. Just one, slow lap around Wash Park. It felt awesome... Then I went inside to their little rec center and biked for a while... Oh my God... it felt so good.

I've been buzzing all night.

I know this is a boring entry... Sorry for that. But I'm totally geeked out to be able to run and bike!


Jennifer Newell said...

Yeah John, boooooring!

Just kidding. Good to hear you can exercise again! My roommate recently sprained his ankle and it made him miserable for a good few weeks but he's back to ultimate frisbee.

Margaret Shugart said...

AWESOME! No stopping you now :)