Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bus hair oracle

I woke up this morning with an extreme case of *bus hair* that I've affectionately decided to name "Elvis Slept Under A Bridge".

I've learned to pay attention to these moments... To pause for just a second and ask myself... "What is the universe saying to me right now?"

Stop laughing.

See, I've watched enough bad television to know that seemingly unimportant things often contain big messages. Inflection points in the hero's journey, portentous shifts in plot, "accidental" moments of serendipity, etc.

Call it whatever you want... but this is what my bus hair said to me just now:

I'm serious. That's what it said.

And I know better than to argue with something as big as my bus hair.

Besides, I want you to hear these new songs.

P.S. It's also saying, "Buy a comb." And... "Take a shower." And... "Make more coffee."


John Common said...

people have asked me where the term 'bus hair' came from...

bus hair... came from a 27 hour bus ride i took from wichita, ks to pensacola, fl this one time... after flipping and totalling my truck in the middle of kansas.

there's a special kind of suffering that only greyhound can provide. i'd avoid it were i you.

i'd opt for yoga or religion or something else as a source of personal growth. i wrote an epic poem DURING that bus ride. i felt required to document that painfully human experience while it was happening.

so yes, bus hair is only one of the things you get on a bus.

poemer said...

i got locked on a bus in munich was quite an adventure.

you should have a "my hair's bigger than your hair" contest. i'd probably get at least an honorable mention.