Monday, October 15, 2007

Hand update

Don't worry. This one doesn't contain any disgustingly gross pictures. Just a slightly gross one...

I met with my doc today... The first time I've talked with him since the surgery two weeks ago. The nurse cut away the bandages. The doc took one look at my hand and said, "Let's put you in a splint."

This is great because a splint is way less restrictive than a cast... and I can take it off to shower! No more plastic bags! Woo hoo!

And it's a lot, LOT, LOT easier to play piano with just a splint... which is good... Because I just scheduled myself to play two solo shows (Nov 2nd and 3rd at Thin Man Basement here in Denver). More about that later... (I'll be playing a bunch of new songs from the last couple of weeks...)

I'll see the doc again in 4 weeks. He'll x-ray the hand to see how the bone graft, titanium screw sandwich thing is working... Then I'll know what's next. Probably more weeks of being in the splint followed by rehab.

Here's what my incision / future scar looks like... not so bad, considering, huh??!


Margaret Shugart said...

a LOT less gross. if you need flyers up in Boulder, lemme know.

Jennifer Newell said...

Yah, Boulder, flyers. Wassup.