Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hand surgery update (Thank you!!!)


I had my hand surgery yesterday... THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who's contacted me about it, wishing me well, checking in, offering to 'lend a hand', and generally being amazing and sweet. It's really great to be reminded that I have such good friends and people who care about me. I'm a lucky guy for sure...

After the surgery, when I was just waking up from the general anaesthesia, my doc told me everything went really well... I don't think I dreamed that either. :-) They also did a local anaesthesia "nerve block" that made my entire left arm COMPLETELY DEAD. That was so very, very weird! It didn't wear off until 2AM this morning either. I knew this because the pain woke me up. I stumbled into the kitchen and started slamming dilaudid (2 pills every 4 hours).

Man, I am completely stoned. A friend and I just went to the grocery store... it was quite hilarious. I was spouting inappapriate things to the deli person, I think.

So anyway, now it's up to fate (mostly) and me (a little) to get healed up over the coming months. It would be pretty *fabulous* if everything worked as planned and I got my hand back, good as new.

Fingers crossed... ouch!

If you're interested in seeing what they did to my hand, click this link. (Watch out -- it's kind of graphic/gross...)

Hand surgery - Gross!

As expected for the day after surgery, it hurts lot... but the dilaudid is working pretty well and I'm sure it'll get better/easier by the day. I'm just glad that to finally have this process started -- I'm ready to move on! (With two good hands.)

Thanks again everyone!


Margaret Shugart said...

Yea! It went well! I've been checking in here to see how it turned out and it's so good to see a post about it... and not to have to look at Come On Eileen anymore, so it can finally get out of my head. You're on your way to healing! Enjoy those pain meds and these first few days after surgery- there's nothing quite like it! Wishing you all good things.

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of typing for one hand.

Glad it went well. Since you can't play guitar, I recommend books. Get some culcha, home.

Kath said...

Ditto on the typing...unless you loaded these blog posts prior to surgery.

Having had surgery in early July, take the advice of those that say 'don't rush it' at getting back to normal...BELIEVE THEM!

Sending you good thoughts for a relaxed and healthy recovery.

Yasmeen said...

Thanks for this post! List of hospitals in Thailand offering Hand surgery